Thursday, March 13, 2014

Starting off...

Hello Dear Food Enthusiast!

 You may be wondering why I am starting a blog. I am wondering that myself, but none the less... I am excited. Why? Because I will be journaling the process of how I create what one day be called "Hannah's Cuisine." Not knowing how long this journey will last, it is a very suspenseful operation.

I think answering a few basic questions are in order.

First off, why food?
Well, my journey has been a while in the making but it officially started in 2012. Being freshly out of high-school, I had to figure out the inevitable question in every young persons mind, "what do I do now?" For me, I felt that The Lord was leading me in the direction of nutrition school. After choosing to attend the worlds largest nutrition school "The Institute for Integrative Nutrition" I was counting down the days to start their well known health coach certification program. The following year of school I learned SO much about the foods God has given us for energy, health and a joyful life.

In all the classes I carefully studied, I definitely enjoyed the ones involving cooking the most. I was fascinated by how someone (in fact anyone!) can take just a few simple stand alone foods, combine them artfully and come up with something unique and totally amazing!! This left me experimenting in the kitchen with many different types of foods. Not only was I just dealing with foods, I was dealing with some of the major food allergies and diets that are out there. In the course of 2012 I cooked many months trying out gluten free foods, completely raw foods, vegan diets and many more! I learned so much. The best part about learning is that once you start you can't stop. Hopefully I will be some kind of student my whole life.

It is scary to think that at one point in life, a person might choose to stop learning. One should always strive to do their best and with God directing their every move, they will always be learning something!

Secondly, how?
I would like to learn as much as possible about food on my own as possible. Watching chefs and talking to them is such an amazing experience. To understand food at that level is such a talent. So far, I have been going through cookbooks digesting any information and saving the most valuable culinary secrets for when I will need them. I am trying to memorize as much as possible so I do not have to always rely in recipes.

I am a dumper, and I feel that recipes are great, but at the same time... a list of general ingredients allows for so much more creativity. Trying to duplicate a food that you have eaten is so much more of an educational experience than just blindly following a recipe.

Finally, my goals.
I would like to skillfully and artfully be able to portray any international food or cuisine in a balanced meal with adequate technique and skill to make it a incredible experience for the diner.  Enjoying color and presentation of food, I see a lot of unique dishes in my future.

I hope this inspires you to become a more active cook in the kitchen and excites you to put your best effort forward no matter your age or experience.


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